Text The Times.
Text The Times.
When Marion works to improve Rogers park they need to think about adding benches. As a senior adult with knee problems I can’t enjoy even a short walk around the lake because there are no benches to sit for a break or to just sit and enjoy the lake. Will you pass the word please? [ Editor’s Note: Is Rogers Park the name of the park at River Trace? I’m not familiar with it, if so. I know there’s Tilden Rodgers Park in West Memphis, so that seems potentially confusing. Anyway, you can consider the word passed]
*** Just wanted to text the times and send it to the person that had a problem with my sentences being 99 words long without a period or question mark and I want to say to you I'm truly sorry. Let me also say I'm very proud of the fact that you take the time to try to read it. If there is anyone else that has trouble with reading my writings because of long sentences I apologize to you also and God bless all of you that maybe read them every now and then. I guess the reason that I'm having trouble with this is I'm putting down my thoughts as I think them from my personal Bible study. With my thoughts I don't put periods and question marks in them either so as I type my thoughts this is what I get. I do want to say to the ones that do have trouble, always remember that the meat of my thoughts is God loves all of us so much that he let his son die on the cross for you and me. So I never want you to misread that or give up on it either. I will be the first to admit that I'm not an English major and one of the many ways I know that is I still say y’all. So from my heart all yall have a blessed day because Jesus always makes sure I do. — Bill McFerrin [ Editor’s Note: You just keep on keeping on, Mr. Bill]
*** I’m not certain which distresses me more – the possibility that the headline writer came up with “Tour duh Sunken Lands” event name in Friday’s paper, the possibility the organizers did not know proper translation would be “Tour de Sunken Lands,” or the possibility the staff either did not know it was an egregious error or simply chose not to quietly correct it. Duh. [ Editor’s Note: Now in it’s 8th year, the Tour duh Sunken Lands bicycle tour returns for its eighth edition on Nov. 5. The Arkansas Delta Byways Tourism Association’s “ Boot Strap Award” winning event is one of the region’s most popular events, attract-ing riders from many neighboring states. As for your “ distress,” that’s that is liter-ally the name of the event ( as mentioned in the article). I think you might be confusing “ duh” with the spanish “ de” or French “ du” or “ des.” Or perhaps you are only familiar with the fairly recent use of “ duh” as an exclamatory phrase expressing that a state-ment being made was overtly obvious, and not the cen-turies old use of “ duh” in the Southern vernacular as a substitute for “ the” going back to the 1800s. Think of similar words like “ dey,” “ dem” and “ dat” if it helps to understand. I would also add that as it is their event, dem folks can call duh thing whatever dey want to call dat thing]
*** Why don't these idiots shoot at pumpkins to demonstrate their shooting skills instead of destroying someone else's property and leaving hundreds of households without power?
[ Editor’s Note: Well, you see, guns are fine, and idiots are tolerable. The problem is when you allow guns and idiots in the same place at the same time. I saw on the news that someone also shot up the Emmett Till historical marker down in Mississippi, so “ idiots with guns” apparently transcends state boundaries]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: