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For your consideration: Ballot Issues

For your consideration: Ballot Issues


For your consideration: Ballot Issues

This November, Arkansas voters will be asked to decide on seven ballot issues that could impact everything from election terms to the use of medical marijuana.

This week we want to direct your attention to the first three issues you will see on the ballot. These are the issues that the 90th General Assembly voted to have placed on the upcoming ballot.

The first issue is titled “An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution concerning terms, election, and eligibility of elected officials”.

First, this amendment addresses the issue of unopposed candidates. It would allow the General Assembly to pass additional legislation that would declare a candidate elected for a particular office if that candidate was the only candidate for a position after all the deadlines had passed. If no other offices or issue is on the same election ballot, then an election would not be held.

The proposed amendment also defines the term “infamous crime”. Currently, our constitution states an individual is ineligible to hold office if convicted of embezzlement, bribery, forgery, or infamous crime.

But over the years, courts have been left to determine what does and does not constitute an infamous crime.

This amendment would define infamous crime as a felony, abuse of office (as defined under Arkansas law), tampering, a misdemeanor in which the defendant committed an act of deceit, fraud, or false statement.

And this amendment would lengthen the term of county elected officials from two years to four years.

If passed, the four-year terms would not take effect until the general election of 2018.

The second ballot issue addresses the power of our Governor when he or she travels out of state.

Currently our laws require that the Lt. Governor lead our state when the Governor is not physically in Arkansas.

Issue 2 would allow the Governor to retain his or her duties and powers when travelling. The provision for the Lt.

Governor to assume the office in the event of death or impeachment of the Governor would remain in effect.

Issue 3 on the ballot is a measure designed to spur economic growth. It would remove the limitation on the principal amount of general obligation bonds that may be issued under Amendment 82 of the Arkansas Constitution to attract large economic development projects. You may recall we used Amendment 82 in an effort to bring Big River Steel to Arkansas. Issue 3 also authorizes a municipality to obtain or appropriate money for any corporation, association, institution, or individual to finance economic development projects and to provide economic development services.

Although a constitution encompasses the core values at the time when it was adopted, framers have provided ways for revisions recognizing that such tenets may change over time. This is why in every Regular Session the General Assembly is allowed to put forward three measures to voters. Our efforts to place these issues on the ballot does not necessarily imply that we individually or collectively support the changes. Instead, it provides a way for you, the voter, to have the final say. We encourage each of you to study the issues carefully. Ask your county clerk for a copy of a sample ballot before heading to the polls.

And remember, early voting begins statewide on Oct.


From State Representative Milton Nicks

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