Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor
Your thoughtful article about the passing of our parents means so much to myself and my brothers.
To your article and it's mention of 'legacy of service in the community' I want to share one story with you.
As me and my younger brothers started our day at the breakfast table our father would hold a short devotional before we could devour what our mother had lovingly prepared. The ritual included a reading and a prayer. While we were young, restless and eagar to get to school (not to mention hungry) we squirmed and sometimes actually listened.
In the prayer that Dad said he always included the instruction to 'be mindful of the needs of others'. We heard that theme expressed every day and both Mom and Dad modeled that for us.
Today each of us, David, John, Guy and myself, have found our place in the world and manifested the intent of that prayer. Attorney and governmental official, nonprofit housing financial director, surgeon and mental health social worker; our father's simple prayer reminds me of the 'butterfly effect' in that it has allowed each of us to have a positive impact on the people and the world around us across the country.
I can think of no greater legacy that that.
Chet W. Peeples “Compassion must be partnered with accountability and justice or everyone becomes a victim.”
To the Editor: