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F©r Sætardhy, Sgptomtar 249 2M AMQES (MarcDn 21to Apri 19) SCCMMKD (©Et 23 4© N©Vo 21) TAHMUS (Aprili 2 to May 2)

For Saturday, September 24, 2016 ARIES (March to April 19) Relations with partners and close friends will be upbeat and fun-loving today. Quite likely, someone will suggest something that rocks your world.

Work-related travel is likely for many of you today. Others will deal with foreign countries or people from other cultures as part of their job.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) This is a fantastic day for social occasions, parties, dates, barbecues, family get-togethers and artistic, creative events. Enjoy sports and the company

(G-EMIM (Mæy 21 to Jim 2)

of children. Yay!

CANCEM. (Jurai 21 to JJelly 22) CANCER June 21 July All family gatherings will be upbeat and joyful today, which is why you should invite the gang over for good food and drink. Everyone will be friendly and happy to see each other.

LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Your interactions with others are positive today because you feel happy and upbeat. This is why others are attracted to you. They want to talk to you to hear what you have to say.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) This is an excellent day for business and commerce. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Whatever you do today could lead to increased earnings now and in the future.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Today the Sun and Jupiter are lined up in your sign, which gives you a positive outlook on life. This also is a busy, active day filled with optimism and a

VMGO (Aung« 23 to Sept 22) UMEA (Sept 23 to ©iL 22)

chance to learn something new.

SCORPIO (Oct. to Nov. 21) Today you have a warm feeling in your tummy because all is well with your world. Naturally, nothing is perfect because it never is.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) This is a popular day! Enjoy the company of others. In particular, clubs, groups and associations will be upbeat and busy! Expect to be surrounded

SAtEITTAIIMJS (N©v„ 22 to E)©« 21)

by people.

CAPKICOKN (©©Go 22 to Jam, 1$) AQUAMUS (Jam, 2 to ffIbo IS)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Your relations with parents and bosses are tops today because everyone is in such a positive frame of mind. Even others can see that you look successful.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

Opportunities to travel abound now. Likewise, unexpected chances for training or classes to learn something new might fall in your lap. Publishing and the media also are blessed.

PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Keep your pockets open, because gifts, goodies and favors from others can come your way today. You might even get cold, hard cash.

BORN TODAY: You are stylish, witty and friendly. You have a philosophical outlook on life and are curious about many things. You have a strong love of adventure and are happily independent. This year you will be a student and a teacher. You will be excited as you start to see the fruits of your efforts for the past six years. Expect your well-earned rewards soon!


TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)

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