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Farm Family 2016

Farm Family 2016


West Memphis targets 2016 street overlay sites

East side of town to get bulk of road repairs

West Memphis City Engineer Phillip Sorrell mapped out the next scheduled street overlay projects during the September Public Works meeting. City Councilors Ramona Taylor, James Pulliaum, Lorraine Robinson and James Holt listened as the 2016 overlay details were revealed.

In all 9,458 linear road feet will be paved from side to side requiring 2,655 tons of asphalt overlay. Six streets have first priority on the $296,000 improvements. Auburn Street gets topped off from Avalon to Rice. Thompson gets new black top from Graham to 6th Street. Re-covering Bond from Missouri Street to Graham made the list.

Overlay on South McAuley spread out between 14th and 18th. Holiday Drive resurfacing runs from Wilson to North McAuley. The road should smooth out on the very east end of Jackson with the street work from Walker to Autumn.

Sorrell lined out the criteria for the selected streets.

In recent years streets in each ward were designated. But focusing on the savings gained by not having to move paving equipment limited the overlay selections this year according to the City Engineer.

“We’ll see cost savings because we don’t have everything spread out everywhere,” said Sorrell.

“We don’t have anything in the northwest although we had some streets there last year. It keeps us from having to mobilize the large equipment and gets us a better cost advantage.”

Priority two streets could be ordered done under change orders but mostly likely will wait until next year. Parts of Pine, South Roselawn, East Danner, Ross and Redding are being eyed for 2017 improvements.

Sorrell though it best to wait to overlay the area around the West Junior High until construction of the neighboring new elementary school there was completed. He also noted Redding Street from Ross to Barton and Ross Avenue from Barton to Avalon being shelved until later.

“I didn’t want to do it this year with another year of construction,” said Sorrell.

“We can take care of Ross once the school is completed next fall.”

“West Barton at Rich Road is tearing up,” noted Holt.

“We’ve repaired potholes there last year.” said Sorrell. “We’ll look at that and see. If (the damage) is more extensive, we might add a little piece to mill and patch it.”

By John Rech

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