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West Memphis Utility eyes neighboring lot for sale

West Memphis Utility eyes neighboring lot for sale


West Memphis Utility eyes neighboring lot for sale

Property could play role in future expansion

West Memphis Utilities Manager John Rimmer wants a lot — not as in “a whole bunch,” but a parcel of land.

Rimmer told Utilities Commissioners that he had been approached about buying the vacant lot between the Utilities building and the bread store on Copper Street. He presented a written appraisal along with the request to negotiate for the adjacent ground.

“I would like permission to buy the property between us and the old bread sore,” said Rimmer. “I was approached and asked if I had any interest in it.”

Rimmer offered no immediate plans to develop it, but wanted to make the strategic move, like one on a Monopoly board.

“Right now I don’t have any immediate use for it, maybe somewhere in the future,” said Rimmer. “But it gives us control of the property. I had an appraisal done.”

City Attorney David Peeples pointed out that City Council would have final say so on any deal after the Commissioners’ recommendation.

Commissioner Susan Marshall started the process with a motion to authorize negotiations for purchase under a specific spending cap subsequently approved by board members.

By John Rech

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