Text The Times.
Text The Times.
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:
This is how people get killed trying to save a few seconds. This was the third of three vehicles that drove around crossing guards at the double rail crossing on AR 118 (College Blvd.). The train was moving very slow and guards had not yet opened. What if another train had been approaching on other track? One if not all three vehicle occupants may have been killed or injured. This van tag number Ark 818 TSR. Ironically the gate opened a few seconds later and when we got to Marion at the junction of 64 and I-55 Service Road this same van ran through the traffic light barely missing a vehicle that had the right of way, and then turned into McDonald’s of all places. [ Editor’s Note: This just seems like a great way to get killed, not to mention all of the laws being broken here. Now, I’d be at least a little understanding ( maybe) if there were some sort of emergency situation of which I’m unaware, but if, like you say, their destination was indeed McDonald’s… well, let’s just say no Big Mac Attack is worth risking your life]
*** Ok all of you little low info “TRUMPETEERS”. Don’t tell anyone where you heard this-OK? But the word is out; that a poor working man voting for a republican (T-RUMP) Makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders or Don Tyson. Now y’all keep that under your straw hats. Now if you don’t mind eating rabbits, possums, sorghum molasses and corn pones, go right ahead and vote against your best interest. Or you can pay it smart and vote “HILLARYFOR PRESIDENT – and BILL FOR FIRST LADDIE” [ Editor’s Note: This is cute. It doesn’t really say anything, but it’s cute. I was intrigued by your closing comment, though, and I began to wonder what, in fact, would be Bill Clinton’s “ title” should Hillary win the presidency, so I did a little Googling. It turns out that “ First Lady” is a completely unofficial title and comes with no official duties ( unofficially, the first lady, which is not always the president’s wife, serves as White House hostess. I’m sure Bill would love that). Having said that, while there has never been a female president, there have been several female governors, whose husbands have been occasionally referred to at “ First Gentlemen,” but that hasn’t really become “ a thing” quite yet. The Clintons also present a unique situation in that Bill is a former U. S. President, so he is often still referred to as “ President Clinton” quite often. He has stated on more than one occasion ( jokingly, I think) that he would be fine as being named “ First Dude”]
*** Is there still a recycling program in Marion? I see the garbage truck picking up the blue bags instead of the recycling truck. [ Editor’s Note: The recycling bin behind the courthouse is still there, so that part of the recycling initiative is still apparently in operation. As I live in Marion, but do not participate in the curbside recycling program, I don’t know about it’s current status, but I’ll find out]
*** So, did they find the body they were looking for or not? [ Editor’s Note: As we reported in Monday’s paper, the search condudcted by the FBI and the Crittenden County Sheriff’s Office at the property on McNeely Road did not produce any human remains. Although law enforcement officials believe they had a credible tip that the body of Blake Wood, missing since 2014, was buried there, but the search yielded no results, and it is my understanding that no further searches are planned. Of course, that could change if new information becomes available. This is purely conjecture on my part, but based on what has been reported, if his remains are not there, it’s entirely possible that they were there at one time, or at least that they are buried somewhere, considering the circumstances of his disappearance and the information that led to the search in the first place]