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Don’t be swindled by ‘IRS’ scams

Don’t be swindled by ‘IRS’ scams


Don’t be swindled by ‘IRS’ scams

Many of you have contacted me recently with concerns of calls from purported Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents demanding the consumer pay back taxes immediately to avoid being arrested.

Let me first assure you that these calls are in fact scams. Remember that no government entity, including the IRS, will ask for your personal financial information through an unsolicited phone call or email.

The Attorney General’s office and the IRS are aware of these calls. I know sometimes they can sound real.

Con artists sometimes can even alter the display of your caller ID to make the call seem more legitimate.

There has also been a reported increase in “robocalls” where scammers leave urgent callback requests telling taxpayers to call back to settle their “tax bill.”

These fake calls, which often sound threatening, claim to be the last warning before legal action is taken.

In another scam, IRS impersonators are continuing to call and demand payments on iTunes and other gift cards. The IRS reminds taxpayers that any request to settle a tax bill by putting money on any form of gift card is a clear indication of a scam.

Consumers should know the IRS will not do the following: • Contact you in regards to payment or taxes without having mailed a letter to you first.

• Demand payment on taxes without allowing opportunity for question or appeal.

• Require a specific method of payment for taxes, such as a prepaid debit card or a wire transfer.

• Ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.

• Threaten to contact local police or other law enforcement to have you arrested for the absence of payment.

So what should you do if you receive a call you believe is a scam? First contact the IRS at (800) 829-1040. You can also call the Consumer Protection Division of the Arkansas Attorney General’s office at 1-800-482-8982.

I want to thank those you who have called and emailed me recently to alert me to this scam. No one should have to be subjected to these types of calls. But be assured that the state has resources to protect more Arkansans from these types of scams and hopefully find those who are responsible.

From State Representative Deborah Ferguson

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