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Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News


Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News

Congratulations Congratulations to Shawn and Marsha Siders, of Horseshoe Lake. Gunner Nash Siders was born, July 29, at 2:04 p.m. He weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces, and was 18 inches long. Gunner has two older brothers, Josiah and Jax. Grandparents are John and Paula Amaya and Kevin and Marsha Siders all from Horseshoe Lake.

Town Meeting

At this month’s meeting, no reports from Water Operator or Code Enforcement Officers, since they were absent. Report from Fire Chief Thomen was, still checking on a grant application. Council was asked to consider a speed bump located on Lakeview Drive. After discussion on the effectiveness of the current speed bumps installed in town, cost and installation and wear and tear it puts on the fire trucks leaving out. Council recommended asking for more patrol down here and one citizen volunteered their lot for Deputy Sheriff’s to sit on and watch for speeding cars. Council was asked if they would approve the moving of a mobile home on Highland Drive to a location on Lakeview Drive. The mobile home on Highland is in better shape then the one currently on Lakeview Drive. City attorney is to check into this matter. The Town of Horseshoe Lake will be receiving the Municipality Award again for Health & Wellness. Next month’s meeting will be on Sept. 12, since the first Monday in September is Labor Day.

Hughes United Methodist Church Acknowledgments

Aug. 5th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: “Stoney” Beene, D. J. Babb, Heather H. Parker and Natalee May. In Memory: Louis W. Bonds.

Aug. 6th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Monica Paige Latham, Penny West, Blair Brown Houtas, Kyle Scott, Lane Dunaway Black and Sue Cromeans. In Memory: Robert L. Towery, Sr. (1997) and Joyce Feltman.

Aug. 7th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Sue Bonds, Eugene Frymire, Barbara Jean Riley, Barbara Starr, Billy Altman and Aiden Hood Glover. Happy Anniversary to: Bobby & Marianne Cupples. In Memory: Pete Adkison and Carolyn T. Meurrier.

Aug. 8th – Happy Anniversary to: Terry & Bettie Tarr.

Aug. 9th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Mary Jo West, Renee Kadlac and Madelyn Cupples. Happy Anniversary to: Mr. & Mrs. Burch Estes, Mr. & Mrs. Danny Porter and Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Washburn.

Aug. 10th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Billy Dunaway.

Aug. 11th – Happy Birthday Wishes to: Rachel Cook Peppers, Laura Lofton Burditt, Lolly Dillahunty and Sadie Robbins. In Memory: Michael J. Collins.

Garden Club

The Arkansas Federation Garden Club held their Mid-Year Board Meeting on Aug. 1-2, in Searcy, at Harding University. Those attending from the Hughes Town and Country Garden Club (HTCGC) were: President- Holly Bacon, 1st Vice-President- Melinda Akins, Flower Show Chairman and a Past President-Teresa Shannon and a Past President-Pam Ellis. After the business part of the meeting , an excellent Leadership Forum on “Growing Into Leadership” was presented by Robin Pokorski, from California and she is the National Garden Club‘s, Corresponding Secretary. A luncheon of Seasame Chicken, Cumberland Sauce, Potatoes, Green Beans wrapped in Bacon, Rolls and assorted cheesecakes were served in the Cone Chapel. All of the tables were decorated with potted plants and assorted yard art, these were used as door prizes at the end of the day, most garden club members took something home.

School Board

The West Memphis School Board has done some rezoning of the school district, in order to remain in compliance with the equal numbers of registered voters in each zone. With West Memphis taking on the Hughes/Horseshoe Lake area, there are 5 zones and 2 At-Large Positions. Zone 5 will now cover Horseshoe Lake, Hughes, Anthonyville and Proctor. Lifelong resident of Horseshoe Lake, Patti Castle will be a candidate on the ballot along with Andrea Dancy of Proctor. Be sure and check with your County Clerk’s office to see what Polls will be open for the School Board Election on Sept. 20.

Calendar of Events Aug. 7th

Mass, 7:30 a.m., St. Mary’s of the Lake Catholic Church.

Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship Service, 11 a.m., Horseshoe Lake Baptist Church.

Aug. 8th

Hughes Rotary Club meets, 6:30 p.m.

Surf Club meeting, 6;30 p.m., Surf Club Building.

Hughes Town Meeting, 7 p.m., Community Center Deadline for weekly news, 8 p.m. contact Holly Bacon at 870-339-3514 or hbacond7@

Aug. 9th

Zumba class, 8 a.m., Surf Club Building.

Crittenden County Master Gardener meeting, 6 p.m., County Extension Office Marion.

Aug. 11th

Zumba class, 8 a.m., Surf Club Building.

Hughes Fire Dept. meets, 7 p.m., Fire Station on Blackwood.

Aug. 12th Next weekly column appears.

By Holly Bacon

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