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WMFD ambulance gets stretcher upgrade

WMFD ambulance gets stretcher upgrade


WMFD ambulance gets stretcher upgrade

Cot- loader lightens burden for EMS crews

The West Memphis Fire Department’s Emergency Medical Services division received permission from City Council to buy a new cot-loading system at the July 21 council meeting. The purchase was put through with an emergency clause, read out and approved.

The new rails lock the gurney in for safety in the back of the ambulance.

The Stryker power load system will be put into the city’s second oldest ambulance to meet new safety requirements and also match the new ambulance.

“This is already on the ambulance we purchased last year,” said EMS Chief Chris Brogdon. “This is for our other ambulance that we use everyday.”

The new equipment makes the two ambulances uniform and hopes are for fewer on the job injuries at the Fire Department.

“It keeps our employees from having to lift the stretcher and prevents back injuries,” said Brogdon.

“If it saves one back it is worth the $23,000 investment,” said Johnson.

The purchase helps the Fire Department meet stricter safety requirements. Brogdon indicated the loading rail had been approved during the budget process last year.

The machine pulls the cot into place and locks it on the track. It helps not only with back injuries but improves safety inside the ambulance too. With the Stryker cot locked in place it provides improved safety for the patient and the attendant in transport to the hospital.

“This is a device used on an ambulance to assist the paramedic in lifting heavy patients from the ground up and into the ambulance,” said Johnson.

By John Rech

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