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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Do not ruin Marion with a stop sign at every corner. No speed bumps are needed. Cars are made to go faster than 25 mph. I suggest that the people that are requesting slow traffic pay for our gas while we sit in their neighborhood polluting their air. They might like a nice gravel or dirt road. Why should we pay for a road they do not want used? [ Editor’s Note: I will agree that there can be such a thing as overkill when it comes to stop signs and speed bumps ( my personal disdain is for speed bumps. I don’t mind stop signs as much, because they don’t threaten to upend my beverage). However, I also understand the need for slower traffic in residential areas. I think we all agree that cars are made to go faster than 25 miles per hour. I don’t think anyone is contesting that. It seems, though, that you’re suggesting that it would be better if the speed limit were higher in residential areas and that by speeding through the neighborhood and ignoring the speed limit you’re actually doing residents there a favor by improving the air quality there. And your solution to this is that if residents don’t want folks speeding down their roads, they should resort to gravel roads? I don’t think they don’t want their road used. I think they just want to be able to send their kids out to play without a high threat of being struck by a speeding motorist. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have been known to exceed the posted speed limit from time to time. I have to drive down LH Polk every day, and just try driving down that road at 25 MPH. However, Marion is not that big a place. I did a little math, and at its longest point, the city is about 5 miles long. If you had to drive the full length of that ( you wouldn’t) at 25 miles per hour ( you couldn’t), but instead chose to drive 40 miles per hour ( you shouldn’t), you would save a total of 4 minutes. I don’t know you. Maybe you’re that important? ( you’re not… and neither am I)]

*** I am a supervisor at a company in West Memphis or Marion I get confused. West Memphis is sorry I come in to West Memphis every morning. The street department sprayed something on the grass instead of cutting it that lazy I never see them doing anything so why did to not just cut the grass on the overpass coming into town by Pancho and the over pass on Ingram street. All the money the dogtrack is making. The main attraction. Sad West Memphis wish my job would leave so I want have to come to that rat hole town. The people of West Memphis your leader are awful. Editor I know you will respond. [ Editor’s Note: I’m not sure what you want me to say. Maybe folks just pay more attention to the grass on the side of the road than I do? It’s just not the kind of thing I notice, and certainly not the kind of thing I’d get riled up about enough to text in to the newspaper. I’m not saying this to be funny or dismissive. I lit-erally couldn’t tell you what the grass on Highway 77 looks like and I make that drive at least twice a day. If you say it looks bad, I’m sure it does. I’ve seen the West Memphis Street, Sanitation and Utility department crews too many times out working, in the heat, in the rain, in the snow, and in the aftermath of storms to say anything bad about them, though, so if that’s what you were hoping for, sorry]

*** Good news about stopping speeders on our local streets. Yes the officers can’t be everywhere at once but the cameras would be a revenue maker for sure on Shiloh and four way stop at Judge Smith with stop sign runners. In fact I almost hit one one day. Even though one policeman lives nearby and one around the corner in which did see the officer going down Shiloh. Good job! I would recommend parking the police vehicles in driveway pointing out to the street to help slow things up and maybe put decoy in drivers seat. Ha! As far as getting tag numbers, and taking to police station, I was told personally two years ago at the police Dept. that won’t help. All they could do is call and warn. I asked also about a video and was told the exact same thing. So I vote for camera. It will also deter crime. Thanks to our great police dept. Correction – it was more or less 4 years ago. I’m sorry but I suffer from “sometimers”.

[ Editor’s Note: If they put those cameras out, my wife is going to bankrupt us… seriously, though, that is a particularly dangerous intersection that, again, I use quite frequently, so I understand where you’re coming from. My personal pet peeve is blinker courtesy. Just use it! When teaching my son to drive, I taught him the mantra, “ Use your blinker, don’t get the fin-ger.”]

*** I would like to address a problem in this county. I’ve been farming here all my life. The problem is how some people think that it is humane to take their pets to the country and just drop them off just because your tired of it or something maybe wrong with. It’s not. I just picked up another dog that probably hasn’t eaten for several days. It was lucky that a wild animal hasn’t made a meal out of it. I’ve seen that happen before. I don’t know what euthanizing cost but it would be better than making your pet suffer. So don’t think that your doing your pet any favors by taking it to the country and setting it free. Your not. Remember Karma comes back around.

[ Editor’s Note: Not gonna lie, growing up, I remember more than a couple of pets “ going for a ride in the country.” Of course, it was a different time then. There are a few “ hot spots” that seem to have become “ pet disposal areas” around town. I see what appear to be abandoned dogs on Airport Road all the time. And kudos to you for picking them up. Sorry for the “ inconvenience,” pet abandoners, but you can actually surrended unwanted animals at the Animal Shelter rather than “ setting them free”]


Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:

Photo submitted via Text the Times

Little Sneakers

London, 3, and Tristan, 1 1/2, White of Marion avoid the scorching sun by sneaking into the snack pantry in search of Little Debbie oatmeal pies, only to be nabbed by their Grandmother, Carol Little, who concedes. [ Editor’s Note: No doubt swayed by their cuteness and resourcefulness]

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