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The Civil Air Patrol wants you!


The Civil Air Patrol wants you!

Join the 99th Composite Squadron

Arkansas Wing Civil Air Patrol

The 99th Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol needs volunteers to become part of a great team of individuals interested in search and rescue, participating in disaster relief, and fly missions as a pilot or observer. In addition members are needed to work as mission base personnel to support the air and ground operations.

The Civil Air Patrol is the official civilian auxiliary of the US Air Force going on 75 years performing missions for America. Starting out patrolling the coasts for German U-boats in 1941 it has continued to support the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and have saved 75 to 100 lives a year. CAP has agreements with relief organizations to help in disaster relief and humanitarian services in many ways including aerial photography.

If you would like to become a part of this organization, contact LTC Larry Webster at 870-225-6849.

From LTC Larry Webster

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