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Summer Camp Kids get fit at West Memphis Christian

Summer Camp Kids get fit at West Memphis Christian


Summer Camp Kids get fit at West Memphis Christian

Youngsters hit the gym, get anatomy lesson

From April M. Taylor WMCS Principal & Curriculum Director

At West Memphis Christian School, the Summer Camp kids got a lesson on health and fitness. One of the summer camp leaders, Daniel Reece, has always been passionate about health and fitness. Any chance he gets he likes to share his interest with the kids. On Tuesday, July 10, he brought a sheep brain, a pig heart, and a pig kidney that his anatomy teacher gave him to let the kids dissect and “checkout.”

Daniel said, “The majority of the kids loved it, and the ones who didn’t needed only to see their friends play with a brain or heart before they were all over it themselves.”

Daniel explained what each organ does for our bodies and what is good and bad for the organs. Reece stated, “All I want to do is spark an interest in health and fitness and encourage a healthy lifestyle.”

One of our kids, Carly Beggs, said, “I want to be a scientist!”

Daniel smiled stating, “Mission Accomplished!”

On Thursday, July 21, Daniel, along with two other leaders, Danielle Ruiz and Norma Maloy, took the kids on a field trip to the The Works Gym in West Memphis. At the gym, Daniel let the kids check out the different machines and free weights to use to build our muscles. The kids got a chance to lift a few weights themselves, and then Daniel showed them the cardio machines that work our heart muscle that they just learned about. He also talked about gym etiquette and cleaning the machines after you are finished using them. Reece stated that their favorite part of the gym was all the TV screens in front of the treadmills. Who knew you could exercise and watch

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