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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Great to se Max got his guitar. I hope he enjoys it

[ Editor’s Note: It really was a great moment when he unlatched the case and saw what to my uneducated eye appeared to be a very nice guitar. And while the fellow that donated it declined to be recognized in the paper, I know who it is and I think he got as much joy giving it as young Max got in receiving it]

*** Court justice makes a bass of himself, headline was right on, it looks to me that the good folks who vote for him would not want someone as racist as he is to represent them! But to each his own. [ Editor’s Note: I still contend that if anyone would challenge him for that seat, they’d likely win. I can’t imagine most of the people he “ represents” have the same mindset he does. I know that the majority of the rest of the community does not, as evidenced by his poor showing when his political aspirations take him outside of his JP district. Also, I liked the last part of your text the best. “ To each his own” is a great philosophy that, if followed by everyone, would no doubt make the world a better place. Unfortunately, it seems like the true philosophy is “ to each his own, unless I don’t like what you’re doing, so I assume it’s my right to make you stop it, because my way is the best, and maybe only way”]

*** How do you decide what text to the times you are going to run? I want to text something in but I dont think you will run it. [ Editor’s Note: Well, I might, if you double- dog dare me. Actually, we run virtually every text we get, even if I have to edit it for libel- avoiding reasons. I typically don’t run personal attacks on individuals ( unless it’s me … I can take it) or texts that are full of profanity.

I’ll even take hand- written notes or e- mails. Why, just yesterday, I received what is by far the strangest correspondence I have ever received. It was a post card, mailed all the way from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, from a Mr. Eugene F. Dell, Jr.

I tried to scan the whole card, but one side was just unreadable, and transcribing it does not do it full justice, but I will try. It says, and I quote, “ The way they have this set up, I have to apologize if I think wrong ‘ total awareness’ so I do not get taken under since 1972. 24/ 7 they are in control. They have 3 people corresponding back. Let’s get this ended the way this presently exist. I want money and recognition. I do not want this implant. I am not treated well inside my implant. Prolonging this Technology from public use is not the answer.” Now if that didn’t make any sense, I direct you to the diagram that Mr. Dell included on the other side of the post card ( pictured here). While all of this might seem odd, I’d hate to keep this potentially vital information from the public.

So, I can probably handle whatever it is you’d like to text in to us]

*** Where is the public record in Friday’s paper? What are we covering up now? [ Editor’s Note: I started to just respond to this with a “ sigh” and move on, but just FYI, there’s no conspiracy afoot. We had some last- minute items to squeeze in, and something had to go. In the name of full disclosure, please direct yourself to the interior pages of today’s paper, where you can find last week’s Public Record section in its entirety.

Apologies if anyone was truly inconvenienced by this]


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