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Hazard mitigation plan in the works

Hazard mitigation plan in the works


Hazard mitigation plan in the works

Emergency Management director seeks to keep grant dollars coming

A new multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation plan will be unveiled later this month in a meeting planned by Crittenden County Emergency Management Director Bud Spears. The county has hired consultants Trigon & Associates to develop the plan, aimed at keeping federal grants that come to the county through the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management.

“The consultants will explain the planning process at the meeting and the requirements of each participating jurisdiction,” said Spears. The Emergency Management Director indicated there were four goals in the planning process:

• Identifying natural disasters that have impacted the county;

• Establishing priorities for each agency; • Considering projects designed to mitigate effects of disasters;

• Prioritizing the projects form the rest of the plan.

Spears extended an invitation to the public. The initial meeting will be held in the Crittenden County Quorum Court Room, located at the Crittenden County Courthouse, on Friday, July 22, from 1 to 3 p.m.

“By working together, we can develop a safer environment for the citizens of Crittenden County,” said Spears.

Spears asked for an RSVP from any interested organizations or individuals at (870) 739-3534 or (870) 739-3200, or via e-mail at

By John Rech

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