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Can you imagine the singing in heaven?

Can you imagine the singing in heaven?


Can you imagine the singing in heaven?

Now I believe that there will be beautiful music in heaven like we have never heard before, and I know that I have made comments about some of the music that is being sang in a lot of our churches today, and that in my opinion some of it borders on rock and roll and even in some cases hard rock. I'm old enough that in my going to church through the years and for the most part most of the singing was songs like “Just as I Am” at the invitation and people were walking the aisle to the alter to accept that free gift that was paid for on the cross and tears being shed all over the auditorium with the people praying and rejoicing in their heart because Satan just lost another one. Now, I know that some reading this might be saying that their church still has songs like that and maybe so but the real gauge in the message and the church is how many has walked that aisle for salvation in your church, say, in the last year. Now folks, we are running out of time so we don't need to be trying to be politically correct and I know I hear everyday where some preachers are afraid to say certain things from the pulpit because of what kind of trouble that they might get in or have some kind of trouble with the federal government and I know all about the statement render unto Caesar what is Caesars but what about when you stand before God and he ask you what have you done for him in your church preacher. Some today won’t even talk about sin because it just might be politically incorrect and some one gets their feelings hurt and so it's better to just not bring it up and to try to convince their people that just be a good person and that should be enough to get you by. I sit and let my mind wonder and start thinking about the angels in heaven singing some of our songs like “Victory in Jesus” or “Nothing but the Blood” and they might possibly think wonder why the people down on Earth don't sing those any more because they tell the story about what the cross was all about. I still hear stories about people that go to different churches all over the country and a lot of them say the young people want come if we don't fire up the music a bit more and also let it be ok for them to come dressed like they are going to a cook out instead of going to church but mostly try to show a little respect to the one that paid the supreme price for you and me and I say the old hymns that has been sang for so many years was good enough for my Mother and probably your Mother when they were young and it sure was good enough for my precious wife and me when we were young and needing Jesus in our life. Well with the way I see it when I read God's word I cannot find where he has ever changed through history and I feel personally that you have to change the way that you preach God if that is the way you feel as a pastor so don't feel bad if when you get there and he shows you a giant white board with writing on it showing that on this day you started to preach this way or that way and moved away form the way I wanted you to preach and say the things that I laid on your heart when you talked to me in prayer or studied my written word. Now that part of it will be up to you but you need to start now thinking up what you might say to try to get away with it but remember one thing it says in his word that you will stand before him without excuse and that means salvation and all the other things that he wanted you to do. Now let me go on the record as saying that this is my opinion only and the way that the lord has laid it on my heart as to how I feel it should be and don't think for one minute that I'm trying to tell you how to preach or pastor your church because that is not even close to what I'm saying here. Now if some out there that read this is in like mind to me that is ok and the ones that are not then that is ok also. The only thing that I wanted you to take away from this writing is to know how I feel about my walk with God and not to get mad at me because you have an opinion also and we can still live in the same universe. But from the bottom of my heart may God pour out his richest blessings on you and your house hold and may your alter in your church be full with a lot on their knees asking God to for give them and that way we can all leave here together when we hear those words come up hither or if we leave through the funeral home one at a time then we will get together up there and sing “Onward Christian Soldiers”. God bless you.

By Bill McFerrin

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