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Allen seeking compensation for officers changing jobs

Allen seeking compensation for officers changing jobs


Allen seeking compensation for officers changing jobs

Also looking to hire new deputies

Sheriff Mike Allen is hoping to convince local and state lawmakers to pass a law requiring other law enforcement agencies to compensate sheriff’s and local police departments for any special training costs they incurred when those officers leave for another agency.

Allen is out six months of salary and lodging and meals after losing Det. Sgt.

Dustin Burnett who he sent for Crime Scene Technician training in June to West Memphis Police Department.

“They recruited him for West Memphis PD,” Allen said. “So he will go over there and make more money and I’m out the training expense of sending him to school.”

Burnett received his certification as a Crime Scene Technician on June 22. He had served with the CCSO for the past ten years in the Criminal Investigation Division.

The state already has a provision requiring law enforcement agencies to reimburse whatever agency or department paid for the 18 months of training at the state academy if they hire that certified officer.

Allen said there is no such provision though which covers any specialized training.

“When they go to the academy their room and board is paid for by the state. And you figure 13 weeks of salary is what they have to reimburse if they go to another agency,” Allen said. “But there is nothing on the books now that says you have to reimburse for any specialized training. With Dustin, we paid his salary for six months and those other costs for lodging, and now the county is out all this money. And West Memphis can pick him up for noth- ing. It’s kind of disheartening. So we have got to get something passed so we aren’t burning down this road again.”

On a related matter, Allen said he is in the process of hiring two new deputies and still has one more slot open.

He expects to have two new certified officers to replace Sgt. Roy Mayo, who resigned, and Sgt. David Kenney, who left for another job in Lee County, this week.

The new deputies will start at about $31,200.

Allen said those starting salaries are now more inline with what other local law enforcement agencies pay.

“It’s come up a little,” Allen said. “When I first became Sheriff we were paying $25,000 for noncertified and $27,000 for certified. We are real close with Marion PD, if not a little higher.”

The department also his shifted Detective Todd Grooms to Chief Investigator to replace Zane Boyd, who retired.

By Mark Randall

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