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Optics: An Editorial


Optics: An Editorial

I imagine it was quite a sight.

That is, IF you could have seen it.

That's because FBI agents were reportedly scrambling on the scene, warning everyone not to take pictures, no phones, no nothing. Keep off the grass, get it?

The same FBI agents were running interference for 'ol Bill Clinton, who was dashing across the tarmac at the Phoenix Airport just to put a bug in the ear of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, while the self-same FBI was investigating Bill's wife, Hillary, in connection with possible wrong-doing at the State Department during her tenure there as Secretary of State.

Only, they didn't talk about the case.


I make no accusations.

I have no questions about the Phoenix incident at all.

It's pretty clear to me.

I mean, who would have questions about the CHANCE meeting between former President Clinton and the Attorney General of the United States on the exact same tarmac at the exact same time at a major airport at this critical juncture in the so-called investigation?

Chances are what? 50/50? So don't ask me about it.

What could I say?

After all, the two parties involved SAID the reason for the chance meeting was that Clinton just walked over, like any good neighbor would; to pass the time of day and chew the fat with Loretta Lynch, the chief law enforcement officer and lawyer for this country for a 30-minute chat. And Bill shared stories about his grandchildren and his golf game and whatnot. (Wonder if he had any zingers about Lewinsky to share?) Whoops. Sorry.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah. Just being neighborly is all.

I ran a mileage check and saw that Chappaqua, NYwhich is where Bill Clinton hangs out- and Washington, D.C., where Lynch resides is 264 miles distant. (They are those kinds of neighbors.) And they met at the airport.

That's where I meet all my friends. Don't you?

“Hey. Let's all grab a movie and a meal at the airport. What do you say? We can talk about old times together. Only, wait a mo'! We didn't have any old times together. And you certainly have never run in my circle of friends before today.”


You gotta give me s-o-m-e credit. I'm trying to put the best face on it I can. Only, you know what they say? You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Only in Washington, D.C., they don't call situations like this wrong at all. That's because there's a down-market in using the word, 'Sin' or 'Corruption' these days among career politicians.

They have another name for it.

They call it, 'Optics.' The 'Optics' aren't so good, they say about the Phoenix Airport meeting.

Even the Democrats are saying it.

Optics, optics, optics.

It's like with Hillary, you know?

She was supposed to be working on government time when she was Secretary of State. Only, when she got her position, out of the blue, 'ol Bill was raking in millions of dollars for speaking engagements from the four corners of the earth and the Clinton Foundation was flourishing.

The 'Optics' weren't looking so good because it smacked of influence-peddling.

But no one expects Hillary to be honest about being crooked.

Wait. Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

So, while Hillary was in charge at State, she had her own server and her own communication devices, in order to keep her secrets, secret. Only, many have the view that her private unsecured server mightand even was, hacked by foreign agents. Secrets stolen.

But, everyone in Washington is running interference for her and claiming she did nothing wrong. Nothing in the least.

Only, there are those pesky 'Optics,' again.

But maybe it's just another vast right-wing conspiracy? Folks reaching for something to pin on poor Hillary? A big stretch, you might say?


Yep… yep… yep… You know, it seems to me that it would be FAR more refreshing to hear from our Attorney General that the Phoenix meeting compromised the investigation and that she would recuse herself from the case entirely, regardless of what transpired between her and Bill.

Only she didn't, did she?

Makes you wonder who is going to be Attorney General if Hillary gets to be President, doesn't it? I mean, it COULD have been a job interview that was conducted on that jet?

But, it isn't like Loretta Lynch is concerned about 'Optics.' She doesn't have to be concerned about it. She's a government employee and they are never fired… for anything… ever.

But then, SHE isn't running for President of the United States, is she?

And Bill certainly doesn't worry about 'Optics.' Lastly, Hillary has put this country's reputation at risk: Both with this nations' allies-through mistrust, and enemies-through weakness and the appearance of corruption.

At least, that's the 'Optics' of it all, as it plays out.

However, now that the lawyers have been called in, here's 'ol Bill at the airport, schmoozing with Loretta, his good neighbor who lives states away and with whom he's probably never had a prior conversation in his entire life.

By Robert L. Hall

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