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Remember why America is truly great

Remember why America is truly great


Remember why America is truly great

Local Commentary I know that for most it's a time for cook-outs and fireworks. But just for the sake of thought, what do you personally think about America as a great nation and a Godly nation? And I'm talking about from your heart.

With the holiday’s name being Independence Day, just what does that mean?

To me it means that we have come from 13 to 50, from back in the 1700s, and to me, I believe that when it was 13, there seemed to be a place for God in all 13, and most were willing to embrace God and his teachings and love, and we knew about his grace for this new country that was being put together, and the desire for him to lead it.

But as we have moved all the way to the 50, in today's society it looks to me everyday, as I look around to where God is not a big deal anymore, and for the most part we simply don't want him in too much of our lives, because we know so much more than God does today. A lot of that is because we have become so “smart,” with all this technology that we have today and remember: if it seems to be a problem, look around because there is probably an app for it.

We think we know what is best for us. We know what we want and are willing to go after it at any cost, even when God is showing us that we had better not do that – whatever that is – and most of the time all this stuff we want and think we should have is because of the uncontrollable desires that are in our heart and not from the desire of God.

I think that our biggest obstacle that we face today is all these gods that have been brought into our country from all over the world, and as far as I can tell, they are all against what my God teaches.

Now let me say that I don't have anything against cook-outs with family and friends, and I like good barbeque as well as the next one, and there is nothing wrong with being with your loved ones and good friends. Like so many other holidays, it’s one of those things where it's about the only time that we give any thought about what has made this country so great through the years.

I look back at all the tyrannical governments that either tried to conquer us as a nation or tried to change our thinking, and do it from the inside with the people, hoping to be able to change their minds and embrace their way of looking at things. So far, we have been able to overcome any attempt to do so. Now with all these that are heading to our borders and will be let in regardless if they have been looked at deep into their motivation for being here or not.

I look any day to read where we are going to change a lot of our songs and slogans that we have lived with for years and years because it might offend someone and that's with the ones that come here illegal or not and because of some words make them not able to sleep at night. Back in 1955, if someone had told me that in just a few short years we might change the wording or completely do away with words like “God Bless America” or “One Nation under God” or “In God We Trust” or “God Shed His Grace On Thee,” I would have been the first one to stand up and say you don't know what you are talking about, because I know that Americans will never permit that to happen. But also I would not have figured that so many from other countries would be let in here with very little vetting. I don't ever remember the time when there was such a hate for the American flag as there is today – and that includes the Sixties.

All the way from the top down, has there ever been a love for another religious organization that is so totally against the God of America. I remember not too long ago, I saw a street protest parade going on in California, and two or three people were carrying an American flag on a pole but it was the third one from the top, with the flag of Mexico on the top but more than likely the ones carrying those poles were here and was in that parade because of what America stands for when they first came here. It probably ended up with them being here for all the freedom and the free goodies that we are so freely willing to give to these and willing to take it away from the hard working people that have made America so great.

But anyway I don't want to ruin your barbeque day but don't eat too much, and remember we as Americans need to ask God to bless America again, because the verdict that Jesus is just before handing down to America if we don't have a change of heart, America will be in for a rough ride. God bless you and your loved ones.

Bill McFerrin is a West Memphis man with some things to say and a certain way of saying them.

By Bill McFerrin

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