You are valued
You are valued
‘AWord from the Pastor’ By Clayton Adams
The question has often been asked, why should I read the Old Testament, what is the value of reading what happened thousands of years ago? This is a very good question that deserves a very good answer. My answer is simple, (I hope it is good too) we Christians need to read and study the Old Testament because it provides among other things the numerous examples of how God uses less than perfect people to accomplish His will and bring Himself honor and glory.
Paul the apostle wrote in his first letter to the believers in the city of Corinth, “Now these things happened to them as an example and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.” (1 Corinthians 10:1112) What happened in years past involving the generations of people who came before us serves us as examples and provides much needed instruction to live our lives. Sometimes, I think we must not be good learners because if we were we wouldn't struggle with the same problems those who lived thousands of years ago struggled with.
Gideon, (Judges 6:12) “a mighty warrior” as God saw him, was hiding from his enemies, had all kinds of excuses for not doing what needed to be done.
What excuses do you have for not doing what you know you should be doing?
Rahab, (Joshua chapter 2) a prostitute by choice, demonstrated her faith in God by protecting the two spies. Rahab is mentioned in the great hall of faith in Hebrews 11 too! What are you doing that you know you shouldn't be doing but still believe and trust in God?
Moses, (Exodus chapters 1-5) a murderer God used to lead His people out of Egypt, beginning their long journey to the Promised Land. What made Moses kill the man? Was it anger, frustration, a perceived injustice, confused over who or what he was? Did Moses have an identity crises? The Bible does not say. What we do know is that God used Moses to do a great work. What in your background are you using as an excuse for not letting God use you?
Noah, (Genesis chapters 6-9) you know the guy with the world's largest yacht filled with all manner of animals. God used Noah to save a remnant of animals and people to continue humanity. But Noah was a drunk who embarrassed himself and brought shame to himself and to his children and grandchildren.
The Old Testament, or more correctly, the Hebrew Scriptures provide the instruction and encouragement we desperately need.
NO matter your past, NO matter your present, God will work all things in your life to bring good, honor and glory to Himself in your life. You can have a great future!
You are loved, you have a future and you are highly valued!
Clayton Adams is pastor at Earle First Assembly of God. You can e- mail him at cpalaa@ yahoo. com, or find Earle First Assembly on Facebook.
Photo courtesy of FSM
‘Thumbs up’ from Puerto Rico
First Marion Youth Pastor Stephen Watson (left) gives a sign of approval ahead of worship services during the First Student Missions team’s trip to Puerto Rico this week. The students and their adult mentors have been busy with evangelism, construction and medical mission projects.