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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Thank you city of West Memphis for once again providing a safe fun way for everyone to enjoy the fireworks. We love freedom fest! [ Editor’s Note: What’s not to love, right? This was the first year in a long time that my family and I didn’t go to Freedom Fest ( we had softball), but I’m sure it was, as always, pretty cool. I remember last year’s “ smiley face” firework as being particularly neat. Happy 4th of July!]

*** The City of Marion street and sanitation department did a fantastic job cleaning up limbs after the horrible storm on Monday! They were out picking up limbs and clearing streets the minute the storm was over and haven’t quit. I am grateful for their hard, continuous work! Also thank you to the selfless men who were going around with chainsaws and helping people for no pay, just for the sake of being helpful in a time of need! All of your efforts are greatly appreciated!! Be sure and thank people who have helped you and also “pay it forward!” [ Editor’s Note: As one of the ones who was “ in the dark” when the storm blew through, I’m glad my neighborhood was spared the brunt of the strong winds. My Mom and Dad live over in “ Old Marion,” and we went over there that night. Part of their fence was blown down and I saw a lot of downed trees in the are, including a big one by the Methodist Church. So, good job, cleanup crew!]

*** A big thanks to Mr. Floyd, his employees, the city of Marion and the Baptist Chainsaw Ministry for cleaning up the wind damage area in Marion. Thank you.

[ Those Baptist Chainsaw folks do not fool around. I’ve seen them in action. They won’t let me, you know, actually touch one of their cool chainsaws, but they’ll let me watch… from a distance… as long as my Mom says it’s OK]

*** To whoever is in charge of the sudoku puzzle, please go back to the one you used to have. Or at least make the one you have now bigger. Some of us old folks who I bet make up most of your subscribers don’t see soo good and the numbers are too small see and the squares are too small to write in. Thank you!!! [ Editor’s Note: It’s funny how I worry about producing “ quality” content in the form of news and such, but I always am reminded how much features like the puzzles and the comics and advice columns and such are also a key part of the package we try to provide for our readers. I will talk to the Sudoku guru and see if we can get that taken care of ASAP]

*** Power out again in Marion Tuesday night!!! I think its time to admit someone isnt doing their job and find someone who will!!!

[ Editor’s Note: I can tell by your use of exclamation points that you’re serious about this. Back when I was in sales, we were taught a dialogging method known as “ feel, felt, found,” to help customers deal with their frustrations. I will now attempt to employ that method now. I understand how you feel about the recent rash of power outages. I, too, have felt like Entergy should be doing something to address the apparent issues with our power grid. I have found that calling a company I have issues with directly helps to direct my frustrations toward someone who might be able to help me. The Entergy Customer Service number is 1- 800368- 3749]


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