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Letter to the Editor


Letter to the Editor

I read your article in the June 2nd paper. Several questions came to mind that should have been asked.

What did the city do to verify claims presented by Mr. Garabini or did they just take his word? Was Mr. Garabini a self-appointed spokesman or did he get a petition from neighbors? Why were tickets not being issued in the first place instead of punishing the law abiding residents of the neighbor-hood with signs and speed bumps?

Living in Windsong Subdivision for 18 years I know what it islike for one man to make complaints. Over a year ago a man complained to the city about his yard not draining. The city did not verify te complaint and no grae was shot to verify the need to dig. I have extensive training in grading for construction and drainage, None of the digging was necessary. I have seen this through the city.

Came home the other evening to discover the stop signs in our subdivision had gone from 6 to 13. We have about a mile total of street. We now have 3 way stops at a cross street that no houses face and almost no traffic. What study, survey or any other method was used to determine the necessity for these addiditional signs or was it a complaint by one person? Residents I have talked to are not pleased with the city doing this. Was an engineer trained in traffic flow involved in the decision? Again, write tickets to the people who are breaking the law but do not punish those of us that obey the law. If these signs were from a complaint, name the person.

James Johnson Windsong Subdivision

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