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Our View


Our View

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

[ Editor’s Note: The following editorial originally appeared in the May 25, 2015, edition of the Times]

From the Ferguson racial riots to the latest burning, pillaging and looting that went on recently in Baltimore, we’re amazed at the complacency, the denial and sheer refusal by the majority of people to one, recognize the problem, and second, demand that steps be taken to address the real problem.

These two displays of defiance, disrespect and civil disobedience are just the latest in a string of out-of-control uprisings that can be attributed, in part, to failed political socialism.

Today’s generation is the product of a nanny state which is defined as a government or its policies overprotecting or interfering unduly with personal choice.

Let’s all admit, there is a growing segment of our society that has little to no social skills, no parental supervision or guidance, and has become totally dependent upon government subsidies for its meager existence.

Why then have we, as a majority, allowed this to occur? Simply put, because of political necessity from a political party that propagates government dependency for the sole purpose of selfish, self-serving purposes.

One element of this political ideology is disrespect for authority as evident in this generation’s defiance of the law and authority, using the reasoning of social injustice and racial discrimination as the foundation for their social disobedience, revolts and riots.

We have generations of people born into this political ideology, and a classic local example of this on the local level is the annual summer government ritual of providing free breakfast and lunch “to all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.”

This so-called Summer Feeding Program (read: Government subsidy) which is available to all youth 18years-old and younger is just a minuscule part of the overall socialistic problem we have in this country.

Those few moments in time that were captured on the video camera of a Baltimore mother slapping her son several times and pulling him out of a protest makes this woman a perfect example of what this society is seriously lacking, which is parental supervision, family values and personal responsibility.

Listen folks, government socialistic policies and all its subsidies that support dependency and discourages parental responsibility is to blame for the events of Ferguson, MO., Baltimore and more civil unrest to come.

If there were more concerned and responsible parents such as Toya Graham there wouldn’t be the degree of crime, the high number of minorities in prison, the unacceptable number of high school drop-outs or the need for the radical and racist Al Sharpton’s representing minorities.

If there are any fingers to be pointed at the problem it is the ideology and philosophy of the very people who these “depressed” minorities look to for dependency. And, until these socially depressed minorities begin to learn from the lessons of Toya Graham in Baltimore and others like her, they will continue to be held subjects of this liberal and destructive socialistic propagated by leftist politicians and so-called community leaders like Sharpton.

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