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Earle has hands on fixed assets


Earle has hands on fixed assets

Only ‘ a few things’ missing, says city treasurer

There are few items that can’t be accounted for a few that need to come off the list, but Earle is pretty confident they now have a list of all the city’s fixed assets.

City Treasurer Cynthia Conner submitted the city council with a list of all the city’s property for 2015.

Cities are required for auditing purposes to maintain a list of all its fixed assets.

“I’m responsible to the auditors for this,” Conner said.

Conner said there are a few items at the police department including two bullet proof vests which were obsolete, some Motorola radios, and a breathalyzer which are missing.

In the road department, Conner noted that a John Deere bush hog and a John Deere mower are both inoperable.

Mayor Carolyn Jones said she has been meeting with department heads to go over their list of equipment so the city has a current list. “We have a full list now,” Jones said regarding the street department. “And a lot of that stuff is supposed to be locked up.”

Numerous small items such as weed eaters and other equipment can’t be accounted for, but officials chalk it up to employee turnover.

“When you have a lot of change, stuff vanishes,” said Councilman Robert Malone. “It’s been happening for years.”

Conner said she is only required

by law to keep a list of items with a value of $500 or more. One item Conner mentioned

on the list is a pump

in the water department which can’t be accounted for.

Water Department Supervisor Danny Clark said the pump was inoperable and he threw it in the junk pile. “It was just a metal shell,” Clark said. “I took it out and trashed it.”

Conner said overall she was pleased with the findings.

“That’s pretty good to only have a few things to be missing,” Conner said.

By Mark Randall

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