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Maybe we should look at it as Holy ground…

Maybe we should look at it as Holy ground…


Maybe we should look at it as Holy ground…

The reason I use those words in the title is, if you remember when God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, he let Moses know that he was standing on holy ground, because that was where God was standing, and to take his shoes off. That was to prove to him that now with the cross ahead, that he would take back control over the Earth again, cursed with the fall in the garden of Eden.

Now that he was in the process of taking back total control over the earth itself it was to let Moses know not to worry about that, now that he was in his personal space, as these young people say in today's language. Many of us today, we want to make every excuse that we can think of when the Holy Spirit of God wants us to do something special, whatever that something is, and so it was the same way now that it was with Moses.

Let me say this: It doesn't mean whatever you can think of you should do that, because you want to think that it must be from God, except when you are dealing with the human mind, what you thought of is probably not from God, because in most cases, your mind will always go to something that is important to you and not God. So what I'm saying is, that thing that your heart wants you to do and with God dealing most of the time with the heart, that's the thing that I'm talking about. For the ones that don't know the story about Moses, well, when God talked to him from that bush, he tried every way he could think of to get out of the thing that God wanted him to do. It started out by God sending some angels to contact Moses and to get him to come to this bush, so that God could talk to him. And to really get his attention, he came in a burning bush, but the wonderful thing about this bush, it never was consumed, which showed the power of God and also showed a human being with that flesh on him and not glorified yet standing before God himself, so Moses had to be very careful how he handled his situation in the presence of God.

One of the things that God told him to do was take his shoes off because he was standing on Holy ground, so God was showing Moses that he was in control of this meeting, and the shoes had to come off and when God told him to do it then it was done. I think of the way a lot of people today would have handled this, the first thing out of their mouth would be, why do you want me to take my shoes off? I just bought these, and I don't want to get them scuffed up.

But anyway, God started to lay out his plans on what he wanted Moses to do, and the farther God got into the plans, the more that Moses got to thinking of so many excuses of why he just couldn't do it — the same way most of us would think today — that he was not the man for the job. But the only thing wrong with Moses’ thinking was God had already picked him, and there was no wiggle room left for him, but not because he didn't try.

Moses said, but Lord I'm slow of speech, and we are not told just what that was, but God had him covered and told Moses his brother Aaron would go with him and do the talking, Now, I'm thinking, about now Moses is saying, I think I got trouble here. But anyway I was reading and just thinking with Christian people having the Holy Spirit living in their heart and him being a third of the God head, and Jesus saying that there would be a comforter that will come to you after I have gone and never leave you, then that makes me wonder if that is why we grieve the Holy Spirit when we do things that so far from what God would have us do, such as look at porn on the Internet, or do all sorts of perversion and other things that against God.

Now you’ve got to remember one thing… if the holy spirit lives in the heart full time after you have accepted that gift, then whatever you do, if its wrong then you have made the spirit of God be part of whatever that was, so keep that in mind when you are doing something wrong. If you think nobody is watching, then you had better think again. I think what I'm asking is, is the place that you are standing or sitting or laying maybe considered holy ground? Because remember, he is one of the God heads that make up the Trinity.

But anyway if you are a Christian, I didn't mean to ruin your day. So God bless you and yours, and remember God loves you and he is also watching you.

Bill McFerrin is a West Memphis man with some things to say and a certain way of saying them.

By Bill McFerrin Local Commentary

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