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“Someone Else” Did It

“Someone Else” Did It


“Someone Else” Did It

In a movie, a character is admonished to stop reaching for the moon.

Whereupon the person addressed, replies, “I’ll let the moon reach for me.”

The question then becomes, “What if the moon does not reach for you?”

Then, do you settle, like the ‘Settlers’ on the T.V.

commercials out now, who live on hilariously meager scraps as a lifestyle — off the grid, ignorant and thankful just for the air they breathe?

Then, we become as a people without hope.

Or as scripture aptly puts it, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Well, like today. Where one-third of the U.S. ablebodied workforce is out of a job and one-half of the populace is on some form of federal assistance.

Where there are more people below the poverty line than ever before in our history as a nation. And we are trillions of dollars in debt to foreign governments.

It’s like we are all headed toward a fiscal cliff like passengers on a bus with the gas pedal super-glued to the floorboard and the driver just bailed out of the open side door as he wishes us, “Good luck, all!”

And that driver is like our politicians today. They brought us here, they drove us to the cliff and delivered us to this awful moment.

And they are throwing up their hands now and acting like it was someone else who did it!

It could happen, they say.

Maybe it was SOMEONE ELSE who agreed to the Cromnibus open-ended massive spending bill that threw billions to the wind.

(When really it was both houses of Congress.) SOMEONE ELSE allowed Obama unfettered freedom to open the floodgates to unprecedented millions of illegals to launch an invasion across our southern border and spread their misery of disease and criminality and poverty among our people, as well as get us to foot the bill for them in perpetuity.

That means ‘forever,’ sports fans.

All this, while only one lone judge had the guts to stand up to our wayward and unscrupulous leftist President and stop that madness cold in its tracks.

Later, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed by a 2-1 decision, keeping that judge’s decision in place.

Thank God for it. Hats off, ladies and gentlemen, patriots at last!

But it was not Congress that did it.

But, the list goes on.

Our politicians insist that SOMEONE ELSE is causing all the problems but that the IRS scandal has been resolved and the Benghazi affair is quite all right with them… nothing to see here. Move along folks.

And it was SOMEONE ELSE who gutted out our factories and industrial might and gave our jobs to foreigners. When in fact, the politicians on both sides of the aisle not only stood by, but were complicit in the plan to outsource our jobs to China and Mexico, and make horrific trade deals with foreign countries that ALWAYS — and I mean, ALWAYS, gave the other side the advantage over American interests.

Their policies have not just been bad… they have been manifestly anti-middle class and against both the international and domestic best interests of we, the people.

And now, when someone shows up on the scene — someone like a Donald Trump — who is a truth teller and points out the problem full-square, no bones about it; Those same politicians pout up and bawl like petulant children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

(Only in this case their hands are in the pockets of the American taxpayer at the urging of the mega-rich special interest groups, the super PACs and billionaire business conglomerations.) They whine about Trump’s tone.

Well, what did their tone get us, besides complete surrender to every whim of the left, because they were too gutless to fight for our interests?

The Establishment types say that Trump isn’t expert enough on certain government affairs.

However, the experts brought us the Arab Spring, the resurgence of Soviet aggression in the Ukraine, the Iranian Nuclear Betrayal, Syrian aggression and genocide, as well as the rise of ISIS-which President Obama labeled the ‘JV’ team.

Then, there was illegal immigration, government corruption, the Veteran Administration fiasco, the flood of Middle-Eastern immigrants across Europe and the globe, as well as an 8-year recession that is eating out our economy like a malignant cancer.

You mean, THOSE kinds of experts?

Now… now they have the temerity to cry that he isn’t ‘sensitive enough’ about favored, protected, and destructive elements of our society. That he seems angry.


Aren’t you, the reader, angry at the manure that passes for law in our country today?

Like a violent terrorist of Middle-Eastern extraction gunning down civilians in Orlando, and the first thing the Leftist Fascists nutjobs in Washington, D.C.

try to do is organize a huge gun-grab of law-abiding citizens in violation of their Second Amendment rights?

I think that would stir the pot a little.

Or how about the Governor of Florida getting on the television, like he did the other day, to say that he requested Obama provide the names of the Syrian refugees they were going to dump into his state, so they could at least be prepared in case of another such tragedy occurred in his state.

Did he get the list?

No. Obama believes that the rights of foreigners matter more than American lives.

Maybe it’s just me… but I think THAT’S another conversation we should have.

Don’t you?

So remember. Those politicians who are crying MOST about Trump are the ones who did the LEAST when it came to representing our interests in the past.

Time to move on and put the brakes on this bus before we all wind up at the bottom of the ravine.

We’re headed there now… this country is in total freefall at the moment. But, we’re not dead yet. There’s still hope.

There’s Trump.

And remember, it’s not the fall that kills you… but the sudden stop.

By Robert L. Hall

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