Text The Times.
Text The Times.
The “lights out” for under the bridge is good news. I never saw any thing appealing or attractive about lights under a dirty bridge. The trees and flowers look nice when you drive into wm. The lights under the bridge on the other hand were a BIG waste of money and time for the city. But that’s just my opinion. Thanks! [ Editor’s Note: I never really heard anyone say anything like, “ Man, those lights under the overpass sure are cool,” but I applaud the city for trying something different. It’s important to note that the gateway project was almost exclusively funded by a grant with money specific to that purpose, so it’s not like they could have just paved streets or built a park with the funds]
*** I just read today’s paper regarding Earle putting in a gas system. How can you spend between $30,000 and $36,000 for a system and say it will pay for itself when you are spending a $1000 a month for gas? If you saved $500 per month it would take 5 years to pay for it. Then you have repairs that will surely need to be made during that time too. So will never be paid off. Some times I think some of these people just like to hear themselves talk. [ Editor’s Note: Your last sentence is pretty true. I can’t argue the math on the proposed gas card system, but any time the cashstrapped city of Earle can make an investment that, at least on the surface, creates a long- term money- saving program, I’d suggest they go for it] *** The West Memphis City Council needs to hold the West Memphis Police feet to the fire and hire an Officer that does nothing but write tickets for loud, booming, irrating music! I am so sick of having to hear someone else’s crappy music. They have the right to listen to anything they want but they don’t have the right to make the rest of the community have to listen to the awful sound booming and rattling from their car speakers. Whoever put on the men’s softball tournament today. June 4, 2016 at Marion Rose/Tilden Rodgers, you should be ashamed. I live by the park and am absolutely sick of hearing the team of idiots that is next to the tree line with their horrible music. It’s a sad day once again that I paid a large price for my home and would like to enjoy my weekends in peace and quiet. I work my tail off at work every day and pay taxes and obey the law. I expect the rest of this community to do the same. Apparently, there are too many boneheaded idiots in this town that were not raised with good manners or good judgement. Anyone reading this, I do not recommend you move to or live in this God forsaken area. Just think of all the revenues this town would get just from writing noise ordinance violation tickets. I know Judge Thorne would get them good in court! He doesn’t put up with nonsense like these morons are doing. Hell, I’ll be glad to take the job. I would get quite the enjoyment from writing them tickets for this. Parks and recreation should post signs “No Loud Music Allowed in any West Memphis Park”! Follow up my previous text. I’ve already called the police department to send a car over to get the music turned down and it’s now forty five minutes later and loud music is still going! Guess there are no Officers working or the dispatcher just doesn’t care to do her job and dispatch an Officer over to handle it!! Always the same in West Memphis!!! Lazyness!
[ Editor’s Note: While I can sympathize with you, I’m not sure you’ve got a lot of legal ground to stand on here. West Memphis does have a noise ordinance in regards to animals and to vehicles ( both audio systems and muffler/ engine noise), but no “ loud music” ordinance. Directly from Municipal Code 6.72.010 ( 1991), under the heading “ Excessive noise prohibited” it states, “ It is unlawful for any driver of a motor vehicle to operate, or permit the operation of, any radio, audio tape player or other sound amplification system of the vehicle so it can be heard outside the vehicle from fifty feet or more when the motor vehicle is being operated on the public streets and highways of the city.” It even goes on to list a specific exception for, in sub- section C, “ special events,” which includes football games, parades, etc. — and that “ etc.” most likely includes a city- sponsored sporting event at a public park, like the Southland Classic. And while I’ve no doubt it was loud, it brought thousands of dollars to the city, so most folks would probably consider the noise a fair trade]
*** I just wanted to break down the word Thug. T stands for Terrorizing, H for Harassing, U for Useless, G for Gutless. They come in assorted colors too. I’ve also come up with the guaranteed solution to the out of control crime problem in the downtown Memphis as well as any other crime area around. You set up job fairs in these areas at night and that will certainly keep them away, case closed. [ Editor’s Note: I love acronyms, and that’s a pretty good one. My all- time favorite is BIBLE ( Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), but I like your suggestion about the job fair…]
Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:
Photo by Ralph Hardin
The Marion Vulture?
No, still no pictures of any foxes, but here’s an unusual sight for Marion, a turkey vulture made a stop on Colonial Drive to snack on a sun-dried and road-tenderized squirrell Tuesday afternoon. The large scavenger gave several passing motorists pause as he lurked along the grass.