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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Please there was a story about MATA, do have tel no for a small comment. JAMES SLATON [ Editor’s Note: I’m a lit-tle unclear. Do you want MATA’s phone number? If so, it’s ( 901) 274- 6282. If you want ours, it’s up above. But if it’s a small comment, you could have just texted it here…] Absolutely hilarious the jericho “cop” was given a ticket and now wants to cry discrimination. This town and many others like it have been running a revenue making racket for years. You can dish it out but not take it huh Mr. Cop? [ Editor’s Note: The last thing I want to do is get in the middle of a feud between members of two law enforcement agencies, but I’m with you. There’s a difference bewteen diligently patrolling the streets and lying in wait for speeders and depending on ticket revenue to meet the town budget. Of course, as seen below, there are two sides to issue…]

*** Where can I get some old no longer needed or used newspapers from? “Free” [ Editor’s Note: Well, if you take advantage of our easy, affordable subscription rates, you’ll have a full collection of gently used newspapers in no time! Or, if you come by our offices, we usually have old newspapers you are welcome to have. You don’t indicate exactly how many you need, so I can’t say we’ll for sure have what you’re looking for, but we’ll do what we can]

*** Talk about slum landlords n west memphis king of em is…

[ Editor’s Note: Yeah, I’m just going to stop you right there. Surely you understand that we can’t just call people “ slum landlords” in the paper, right? I mean, I fully agree with you that there are some shady folks out there making money off of people and taking zero responsibility for the condition of their properties, but we aren’t about to start naming names. You want it in the paper, you’ll have to go to some sort of municipal board and say so in a public forum]

*** So you say evening time in the last year a state trooper beat up a teenager and this state trooper is a speed demon. Do you know he has wrecked two cars already. So I am pretty sure he was speeding. Do your background check but you don’t just like you didn’t know tax is 2% not 1%.

[ Editor’s Note: I assure you we did not run a story about how a State Trooper “ beat up a teenager.” Nor did we run a story about how a State Trooper “ is a speed demon.” In the first case, an off- duty State Trooper struck a juvenile. In the second case, it was the trooper’s son who received a ticket, not the trooper. But if you want to caution us to “ do your background check,” go right ahead]

*** We had terrible news in our papers about grassroot towns in our county, but on a brighter note we must acknowledge what our Mayor is doing in the city of Sunset. He has worked for two weeks himself rehabbing the play ground for our kids in Sunset to have a place to go before school is out. This type of thing really needs to be known. [ Editor’s Note: I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “ grassroots towns,” but I am glad to see the spike in interest from our readers in Sunset and I’m glad to see the people of Sunset getting involved in their community. Keep up the good work!]

*** We have seen Momma Fox and her cubs in Crawfordsville just off Main Street. I saw at least three baby Cubs playing. My Mother-in-law has a cat missing. Do fox kill cats?

[ Editor’s Note: Wait, is there a Crawfordsville Fox AND a Marion Fox, or are we experiencing a fox infiltration? As to your question, I did a little research and opinions are mixed. I found a few sites that said foxes typically do not kill or eat cats, but most said that foxes are opportunistic hunters that will, if other food sources are not readily available, prey upon domesticated pets, but usually only if they are smaller than the fox]


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