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WM Public Works Roundup

WM Public  Works Roundup


WM Public Works Roundup

Recycling, Code Enforcement, Cleanup on the agenda

The West Memphis Public Works Committee heard reports on recycling totals and about the seasonal code enforcement focus. Chairwoman Ramona Taylor presented the status to city council during the first meeting in May.

In April there was 13,060 pounds of recycling,” said Taylor. “There was one ewaste pick up.”

Collecting latex paint for a recycle was discontinued in the last month as the contractor failed to make timely pick ups of the old paint.

“The paint recycling has been removed and is no longer available,” said Taylor.

Code Enforcement Officer Mike Antel told The Public Works Committee earlier in the month that he had surveyed the city and found enough overgrown lawns and lots to produce a bid list.

“It’s that time of the year and pretty much all I’ve been doing,” reported Antel. “We did an overall sweep of the city and put out our first grass bid list.

With the rain I’m sure the grass will be shooting up again and we will be getting more calls.”

Weeds were on the mind of City Engineer Phillip Sorrell too and told city councilors to anticipate complaints.

“We’ve been out spraying weeds,” said Sorrell. “We are trying to get out in front of it. You’ll probably be getting some complaints this is the time of the year when weeds begin popping up all at once, but we are doing our best to get them mowed or sprayed.”

He said the city was hiring an additional tractor driver to help with the mowing.

“We are doing interviews now,” said Sorrell.

By John Rech

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