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New inductees to English Honor Society

New inductees to English Honor Society


New inductees to English Honor Society

ASU Mid-South The Sigma Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Kappa Delta, the National English Honor Society, continues to grow at Arkansas State University Mid-South. Eighteen members were added recently during a spring induction ceremony. “I am very happy to have 18 new members inducted into Sigma Kappa Delta this year,” said Christopher Tindall, faculty adviser along with Jacob Hutchinson. “SKD is continuing to expand membership. With each new member, we gain new ideas about how to be a positive impact on the lives of others. We are all proud to be a part of the ASU Mid-South family.”

Recent inductees include Rockel Bailey, Stephanie Baker, Carly Boyd, Daneika Brown, Vanessa Brown, Tionne Broxey, Shanquetta Cisero, Boyce Elliot, Cesar Gomez, Rodney Ivy, Pamela Jackson, Brenda Lancaster, Andrew Moffett, Dionne Rogers, Tamara Turner, Logun Walker, Robia Wilson, and Michaela Wofford.

Established at Mid-South in Spring 2014, chapter membership does NOT require students to be English majors. To qualify for membership, students must complete at least one college course in English language or literature with no grade(s) lower than a B. An overall 3.0 GPA is required, and students must complete 12 college hours before being eligible for membership.

In addition, all persons seeking admittance to SKD must exhibit high standards of personal and professional character and support the purposes of the honor society.

Founded in 1996 at Cottey College for Women in Missouri, Sigma Kappa Delta is the two- year institution equivalent of Sigma Tau Delta, the national English honor society for four-year colleges and universities.

With more than 100 active chapters in the United States and approximately 2,500 members inducted annually, SKD recognizes two-year college students’ English excellence throughout the nation. The official motto of the Society includes its initials and its ideals: sincerity, knowledge, and design.

The objectives of Sigma Kappa Delta are to confer distinction for high achievement and general scholarship in English language and literature, to provide cultural stimulation on college campuses through local chapters, to foster community within English departments, and to encourage creative and critical writing.

For more information about Sigma Kappa Delta, other extracurricular opportunities, or education/training programs at Mid-South Community College, call (870) 733-6728, email, or onlilne at

By Diane Hampton

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