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Two more Zika cases confirmed in state; Ark. total now at 4


Two more Zika cases confirmed in state; Ark. total now at 4

CDC investigating link between virus and birth defects LITTLE ROCK — Two more cases of the Zika virus have been confirmed in Arkansas, bringing the total to four, the state Health Department said Tuesday.

All four cases involved people who had recently traveled out of the United States, the Health Department said. The first case was reported in January and the second was reported earlier this month.

The virus is spread through mosquito bites and through sexual contact. The most common symptoms are fever, rash, joint pain and red, itchy eyes. Symptoms are usually mild and last several days to a week.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating a possible link between the virus and children born with birth defects. There is currently no vaccine or treatment for the virus.

The CDC also has issued travel guidelines for woman who are pregnant or may become pregnant, available at

The CDC has urged people who travel to an area where Zika is present to go to a doctor if they experience any of the symptoms associated with Zika within three to seven days of their return. It also has said men who have recently traveled to an area where Zika is present and have a partner who is pregnant or may become pregnant should avoid sex or use a condom.

From the Arkansas News Bureau

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