There are always words that tell you the true meaning
There are always words that tell you the true meaning
When you read a scripture in the Bible, always remember to look closely at some words that give you the real story about what you just read and why you need to see the wondrous work of God in that scripture. When you read God's word, always remember that he inspired the words in there that explain what was accomplished in the scripture that you are reading and why it tells the story inside the story when he uses his wonderful power.
I never want to take away anything from his writings, so I just try to simplify the words that would give the average person the opportunity to understand in today's world. I know back a few years I read where you should always look for the “buzz word,” which means think about everything you just heard or read and see if you can find the word that means the most to what you just saw.
An example would be if someone is trying to sell you something and somewhere in there they put the words “could,” “usually,” or “maybe.” Without you looking close at what you just heard or read. Then it was all the truth but if you focus on one of those words that I just mention then you get the true story.
Like my skin cream “could” clear your skin up. So, it is the same with God's word, as I always say, let God speak to your heart when you read his word and let him show you the greatness of what you just read. One thing that I have noticed… when you watch a TV show like on Discovery or the History Channel, and the story is about the Bible, as far as the past is concerned it seems to me that they always try to disprove the Bible and never try to prove it. I watched one, and it showed that the Red Sea could have been parted by some very strong winds because under the water some ridges of land that ran across it and that was just a freak thing that happened when the wind blew a certain way.
Now this is what I'm talking about: Looking for the word or words that tell the truth in the verse. Let's start with the Garden of Eden, because the underlying truth was the power of God being able to bring forth not just one person but two people from one person. The true miracle in that story is that God is all powerful and has control over all of us. Now let’s take a look at the Flood and what he was trying to tell us in that miracle. If you will look at the real story here, it was that he saved only eight people and a lot of animals but they were all matched up male and female for the animals and male and female of the humans.
Now you think just a minute what that means in today's society.
Now for the Red Sea, and it was true, he did part the waters and let the freed people go through, but the miracle there was they crossed on dry land so you can see that it should have been so muddy under the water that their caravan could never have got across. The story of the possessed man that lived in the graveyard and Jesus called out the demons. The real story here is he showed he had power over Hell itself, because they had to ask permission to go into the pigs down by the water.
One of the ones that I like is when a man named Lazarus had died and his sister had told Jesus about this, and Jesus said take me to where he lays and I will see. So she did and Jesus called out to Lazarus to come forth and the sister, not having the faith that he could do it, told him that he has been dead so long that he stinks because the flesh had started to rot, so those few words show the power of Jesus and the power he has over everything including rotting flesh on a human, and with him it's never too late because of the power that he gets from his Father in Heaven.
Now the last one that I want to talk about, although there are so many more, is the day that Jesus was crucified and around the fire that night where the people were gathered while the mercy cross for all of us was taking place, and someone noticed Peter and said he was one of his followers, and the same way we do today sometimes, he denied even knowing him, so the real story here is Jesus knew he was going to do that before he did, just as we wrestle with flesh everyday. Jesus knows what you and I are capable of doing, so don't think you are hiding anything from him.
Now as you move forward and read your Bible, don't do it in a hurry. Try to find the real story in that scripture that you read. God bless every one of you that read this, and if you know him personally, never be guilty of denying him or being ashamed of him at any time, because he knows.
Bill McFerrin is a West Memphis resident with some things to say and a certain way of saying them.
By Bill McFerrin Local Commentary