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Help support Senior Celebration

Help support Senior Celebration


Help support Senior Celebration

Annual MHS Post- Prom party provides safe environment for graduating class Post-Prom celebrations have been a tradition for seemingly forever, and all too often, those celebrations can unfortunately lead to poor decision making and tragedy.

But for the past 20 years, seniors and their dates at Marion High School have had a safe and positive environment in which to congregate following the big dance and have a good time.

Since 1996, parents and community members have offered Senior Celebration, a drug- and alcohol-free Prom After-Party open to all MHS seniors.

The overnight party is filled with food and fun, cash and other prizes free for all seniors. The party is planned each year by senior parent volunteers who collect donations from community leaders and local businesses. The parents are currently in the process of collecting donations for this year’s Senior Celebration.

“Please message or e-mail me or any senior parent if you would like to donate cash or prizes,” asked Becky Northcutt, a volunteer parent and MHS faculty member with a senior child. “And thanks to all of you that have donated so far.”

Prom and Senior Celebration are Saturday, April 30. E-mail Becky Northcutt at for more information about being a part of Senior Celebration 2016.

By Ralph Hardin

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