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‘Back Door Ministry’ provides opportunity

‘Back Door Ministry’ provides opportunity


‘Back Door Ministry’ provides opportunity

‘AWord From the Pastor’ By Clayton Adams

Recently I was in Hot Springs, at a creative and fine arts competition involving two to three thousand people from churches all across Arkansas. Categories ranging from digital photography, dance, human video, short sermon and spoken word, singing solo or in groups, it was amazing to see young people using their God given talents.

A few of these young people I served while with another congregation. It was at the back doors of a beloved church that I met and developed relationships with many people. Many churches are trying to figure out how to get people to come through the front doors and keep them from leaving permanently through the back door.

I like the back door, it's comfortable, often times quiet and a good place to administer the healing power of Christ to those who are hurting. One performer at this Fine Arts Festival was a young woman I often spoke with at the back doors.

I knew her since she was born. I lived behind her grandparents. As she grew, it became clear that at an early age she was precocious, talented, extremely intelligent and possessed a command of the language, she was always a joy to be with.

In Hot Springs, we met by chance and after five years of not seeing her, I instantly recognized her. This was the same little girl I spoke with at the back door (now a young woman of fifteen) she was about to deliver her short sermon to a room packed with people.

I was so proud of her! Listening to her short sermon and then at a later time her spoken word – she was confident, commanding the attention of her audience, humble, one couldn't help but listen intently.

Though most people come to church through the front doors it's often at the back doors that present the best opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ extended to His people. Back door ministry reminds me of Matthew 26:75 And Peter remembered the word which Jesus had said, “Before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” And he (Peter) went out and cried bitterly.

I don't know for sure but I believe that Peter found the nearest (back) door and left immediately. As foretold by Jesus, Peter had denied Christ, his bravado had melted when faced with a com.

girl who questioned him. But Jesus, after He had risen made a point to minister forgiveness, healing and restoration to Peter.

Jesus, in a very intimate conversation with Peter (John 21:15-23) demonstrated to us how we are to minister to those who, like Peter, failed to live up to expectations. Often times people like Peter are at the back doors. Back door ministry is something Jesus specialized. I want to spend more time at the back doors it's a good place to catch people for Christ.

Back door ministry is vital and those serving at the back door need to be filled with grace, mercy and love for people. Back door ministry is a godly ministry.

Clayton Adams is pastor at Earle First Assembly of God. You can e- mail him at cpalaa@ yahoo. com, or find Earle First Assembly on Facebook.

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